Sunday, 29 April 2018

Viewics INC (A ROCHE COMPANY) Interview

Interview date - 28/04/2018
Post - ETL Developer
Located - Besides Rahul theatre,Shivajinagar

Appeared for a technical test -
1 hour test.
Paper comprised of questions from informatica scenarios, SQl analytical queries, Unix shell scripting and DWH concepts.
Sharing below the questions asked. Will soon post the answers to them.

Informatica Scenario Questions-

1.Design a mapping to create 2 target table - one with unique and other with duplicates.
Input     Target1     Target2
A                 A             C
B                 B              C
C                 D              C
C                                  E
D                                  E

2. Design a mapping to get salary of next employee in currrent record. If no next employee present set next Salary as NULl.

Input                                      Output
id  Salary                  Id  Salary Next_Salary
10 10000.                    10  10000  20000
20  20000.                   20  20000  30000
30  30000.                   30  30000   NULL

3. Design a mapping to generate a fibonaccu series. Source as id from 1-2000 .



4. Design a mapping for below-
There arr only 3 Product type . But we dont know how many product id as available for each product type. Create a mapping so that output as only 3 records from audio 3 from video and 3 from movie. In case if any of the product type is less than 3 then  either of the other product type can be sent to output . Output must have only 9 records.

Product_id, product_type
10, video
10, Audio
20, Audio
30, Audio
40, Audio
50, Audio
10, Movie
20, Movie
30, Movie
40, Movie
50, Movie
60, Movie

5 Design a mapping for below

id     val
1      a,b,c
2      pq,m,n
3      asz,ro,liqt
id     val
1      a
1      b
1      c
2      pq
2      m
2      n
3      asz
3      ro
3      liqt

Shell scripting Questions-
1. How to list all the files names present  in a folder to a file.
2.How to search which filenames has a particular string or pattern.
3.What is nohup in unix
4.file contains name age salary
How fo find the sorted distinct names ans ita count from that file
5. How to get 10-20 th charactet from a file .

DWH concepts questions -
1. what are junk dimensions
2.What are degenerate dimensions
3.Difference between star and snowflake schema.

Hope it helps everyone.😊😊


  1. Really nice blog post. provided helpful information. I hope that you will post more updates like thisInformatica Training
